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Our Mission

​Post-Conviction Goals

In California, the criminal justice system has incarcerated an enormous amount of minorities with life sentences, or with lengthy sentences based upon some of the most minor infractions you can imagine. Most are serving time in prison for acts that took place when they were teenagers, and there is no sufficient evidence to support their convictions. When you hear their stories, you will ask why are they really in prison. Our goal is to raise funding to hire and assist post-conviction lawyers to get them out of prison, and or reduce their unconstitutional sentence.


Criminal Trial Lawyers

California criminal justice system is currently prosecuting minorities who cannot afford an attorney that can adequately defend them, thus they are turning into post-conviction prisoners in need of justice. Our goal is to raise funding to hire criminal defense trial lawyers to keep them out and away from going to prison, and or protect them from receiving harsh sentences.


Prisoners Civil Rights Lawyers

The California Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation penal system is plagued with conditions that is currently in violation of the 8th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, consisting of cruel and unusual punishment, deprivation of human rights, subjecting prisoners to diseases, and death at a rate that is hidden. Our goal is to raise funding to hire civil rights attorneys to cure this plague.


Los Angeles Homelessness

Homelessness in Los Angeles is out of control. Our beautiful beaches and communities are saturated with tents, and our cities are packed with campers crafted into homes. This is due to the rent inflation, and employment deflation. Until we are blessed with a reasonable and affordable houisng market and more secured employment, we must at least provide housing for the homeless, and eviction protection for those individuals who are legally occupying premises. We will not support illegal squatters, and those taking advantage of mom and pop landlords that are trying to make a living. Our goal is to raise funding to invest in rental units to help keep tenants in their homes, protect their tenant rights, and coordinate with housing programs. 

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